Congratulations to University of Colorado Denver on receiving a $5,000 Scholarship Grant from the Gene Haas Foundation! Mark Smith, Productivity-Denver presented the check (pictured above) to 14 of UCD’s 19 team members of their Lynx Motorsports Formula SAE competition team at the Auraria campus. “The team has 19 team members, both electrical and mechanical engineering…
Congratulation, Ms. Sondgerath and Westminster High School! A BIG check from the Gene Haas Foundation in the amount of $5,000 for Scholarships was presented to Catherine Sondgerath (left), Technology Education Instructor at Westminster High School and some of her students by Mark Smith (not pictured) of Productivity Inc – Denver the Local Haas Factory Outlet….
Braham High School may be small in size, but the excitement the students show is BIG! Thanks to Agriculture/Manufacturing Technology Instructor, Luke Becker, the kids are learning how exciting Manufacturing can be! A BIG check from the Gene Haas Foundation in the amount of $12,500 for Scholarships was presented to Luke and the school by…
Congratulations to Alexandria Technical College for being awarded a $25,000 Scholarship Grant from the Gene Haas Foundation! The check was presented to Alex Tech by local Haas Factory Outlet, Productivity Inc. The scholarships will be known as the Gene Haas Scholarships, named after the Gene Haas Foundation who has been offering scholarships to high schools,…
Congratulations to Bridgerland Applied Technical College of Logan, Utah for being awarded a BIG check for $15,000 from the Gene Haas Foundation! Dax Kempton, Machine Tool Sales from Haas Factory Outlet Salt Lake City Productivity presented the check to (pictured above left to right) John Davidson, Vice President of Instruction, K. Chad Campbell, Campus President, Dax Kempton,…
Congratulations to TEAM Foundation in Bagley, Minnesota for being awarded a BIG check for $75,000 from the Gene Haas Foundation! Matt Mangulis, Sales Engineer from Productivity Inc/Haas Factory Outlet presented the check to (pictured below left to right) TEAM Foundation Board Member, Janelle Crabtree, Matt Mangulis and Jim Russ, TEAM Foundation Board Member/Director of Corporate…
Congratulations to Indian Hills Community College in Ottumwa, Iowa for being awarded a BIG check for $15,000 from the Gene Haas Foundation! Presenting the check to IHCC is (pictured below left to right) Brent Freeborn, Machine Tool Salesperson from Haas Factory Outlet Cedar Rapids/Productivity Inc, Machine Tool Technology Instructors Marty Roberts and Jeff Long, with Jill Budde, Dean of…