Haas Class Descriptions
Productivity offers a variety of Haas Milling and Lathes Classes to help you make the most of your Haas machine tool.
Haas Operator and Programming training is provided for new machines purchased from Productivity.
Training for machines not purchased through Productivity can be quoted for you by contacting Productivity’s Training Coordinator, Jen Picken at jpicken@productivity.com or 763.742.1262
For classes in either CO or UT, please contact the training departments to get more information on classes being offered.
For CO classes, email to denverapps@productivity.com or call 303.571.4933.
For UT classes, email to engineeringslc@productivity.com or call 801.886.2221.
In order to provide training on a timely basis for everyone, we ask that you register no more than 2 people per class session.

Mill Operator
The one day Mill Operator class is intended for individuals that will setup and run a Haas mill. The course covers use of the Haas NGC control panel, download and upload of programs, the setting of tool length offsets, the setting of work coordinate offsets, production set up and operation of the machine tool. VPS (Visual Programming System) will also be covered.
Mill G&M Code Programming
The two day Mill G&M Code Programming class is for individuals that use G-code to program Haas mills. The course covers program format, linear and circular interpolation, cutter compensation and various canned cycles used for drilling, boring and tapping.
Lathe Operator
The one day Lathe Operator class is intended for individuals that will setup and run a Haas Lathe. The class covers basic operation of the Haas NGC control panel, production set up and operation of the machine tool, download/upload of programs, and setting of tool geometry/work coordinate offsets.
VPS (Visual Programming System) will also be covered.
Lathe G&M Code Programming
The two day Lathe G&M Code Programming class is for individuals that use G-code to program Haas lathes. The course covers program format, linear and circular interpolation, tool nose radius compensation and various canned cycles used for drilling, turning, boring and threading.